Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Angel Hair Salad with Sesame Seeds

16 oz Angel Hair pasta
½ cup sesame oil
½ cup soy sauce
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp hot chilli oil
¼ cup sugar (or less)
1.5 tsp sesame seeds
1 yellow bell pepper, diced
2 green onions, sliced

Cook the pasta according to package instruction - but don’t overcook. The pasta should still have some bite. Drain and set aside.

In a large salad bowl, mix the soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, sesame oil and the sugar. Add the cooked pasta and toss well. Top with green onion and bell pepper and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

This salad tastes delicious served warm or chilled.

1 comment:

Hajar said...

This recipe idea looks delicious! Will sure to try it! Thanks!